Tuesday, February 17, 2015

A Snow Day Blog

    Snow days just don’t have the same appeal as adults, but for kids they are the highlight of winter. When I was a kid, growing up in Southeast Missouri, the best snow days involved making snow cream with my mom. If you haven’t tried it, this week’s powdery snow is perfect for making this yummy treat. 

    Send the kids outside to scoop up a few bowls full, or If you have a high powered blender, you can also make your own snow by using using shaved ice. Here’s how to do it. 

Southern Snow Cream

8 cups fresh snow
1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Place snow or shaved ice into a large bowl. Pour condensed milk over and add vanilla. Mix to combine. Serve immediately in bowls.Top with sprinkles to add color and fun. 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Valentines Day: Don't Screw Up Again

Valentines Day has plenty of haters…

I’ve had a series of them I’d like to forget.
There was the Valentines Day in elementary school when a girl on the school bus threw up on me.
The Valentines Day in high school when a boyfriend broke up with me after I’d baked him cookies with pink and red M&Ms in them to profess my love. I never got the chance to give them to him….but they were delicious I can say since I ended up eating them myself.
I think the best Valentines Day gift I ever received was from my father, who sent me flowers to work just after a particularly bad break up.
As the dreaded-by-some day approaches and you’re wondering how to escape it without going broke, disappointing your date, or even getting dumped don’t distress. I’m here to help.
Ignore those ads for Victoria Secret and 1-800-Flowers….
here is the secret to what women really want for Valentines Day. Follow the KISS theory: Keep It Simple Stupid. Don’t go overboard to orchestrate a grand overtures, just tell her how your feel and do something sweet for her. That will mean the most.

Here are a few suggestions for how to do that:    

  • Just say Thank You to her for all she does to make your life better and sincerely mean it. 
  • Do the dishes! Forget Magic Mike…a man cleaning anything is sexy. Not to mention helpful. 
  • If you have kids, offer to take them out for a couple hours so she can have some much needed me-time. 
  • Don’t get anything that plugs into an electrical outlet or implies she has to do any work with it…like a mixer, vacuum cleaner or exercise equipment. 
  • When all else fails, you can’t go wrong with chocolate.
No reason to hate a day that's all about love, just KISS.