Monday, January 5, 2015

Resolutions Sometimes Come Back Around

New Years Resolutions sometimes come back around

The Timehop app reminded me the other day of the New Years resolutions I’d posted on Facebook four years ago….
If you don’t have the Timehop app, it’s a hoot and you should check it out in the App Store! It will dig through your social media posts of the past to show you daily what you shared a year ago, two years, three years, etc…

Now, back to my four-year-old New Years Resolutions……I had posted a list of three things for 2010: 
  1. Order skinny lattes
  1. Organize my work contacts and
  1. Fall in love with a guy who isn’t a jerk. 
So, four years later now, I literally laughed out loud as I read these because my work contacts…even though I have a completely different job in a completely different city with a completely different set of people are still a hot mess. I’m doing pretty good, however, on Numbers 1 and 3. 

But why are our New Years Resolutions so hard to keep?
Sometimes, they’re simply just too lofty or unrealistic. We don’t create a plan to make them happen, or we don’t have the resources to accomplish them. I’ll blame this one on my still unorganized work contacts….with that key resource being time. I just need to carve out a chunk of time to do it. Maybe that will happen this year…
Although we’re likely to fail, the principal behind setting New Years Resolutions is a healthy one and shouldn’t deter us from trying to keep them. Who doesn’t love a fresh start, a clean slate, a new year, a chance to be a new you?

This year, instead of setting out to accomplish something new, I’m resolving to remember what I already have. I’m resolving to breathe deeper, look longer and hug tighter. Oh yeah, and get those work contacts in order. 

Whatever you’re resolving for 2015, I wish you the best in keeping it…..if nothing else, maybe you’ll get a good laugh out of it in a few years like I did. 

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